Fraction of cells in phase x 24 hrs estimate time spent in phase. Meiosis online simulations in this investigation, you will view sites that illustrate the process of meiosis. Materials meiosis flip book templates scissors colored pencils stapler procedure 1. Meiosis i prophase i, metaphase i, anaphase i and telophase i, and meiosis ii. Rest of lab when finished, your table group needs to walk me through the steps of meiosis wo using notes or the manual. Meiosis is a process in which one diploid cell divides and makes four haploid cells. The chromsomes are first replicated and then they divide. Simulate meiosis ii without moving your chromosomes to another set of circles. During what phase of meiosis would problems occur in forming viable gametes.
Additionally, the description of the materials of the lab will leave me about 20 minutes. In this activity you will be constructing flip books of the stages of meiosis on the templates provided. Students will be provided with blank template pages in which they will illustrate the steps in the process of meiosis. This unit has always been one of my very favorite units to teach. Using the popit beads provided by your teacher to model chromosomes, demonstrate your understanding of the process of meiosis. This activity can be obtained by searching the internet according to the phrase neo sci meiosis simulation. Demonstrate your knowledge of the cell cycle by creating a model and writing about this model. Join a cell biology research group to find out how a poisonous compound from a yew tree can be used in cancer therapy. In this stage the centrosomes start moving to opposite sides of each cell. Ngss biology activity meiosis lab high school science middle school life science. A parent cell creates two daughter cells after cellular division. Simulating meiosis objectives simulate the stages of mitosis.
Simulating meiosis background date lab gametes, the cells which join together during sexual reproduction in animals and begin the formation of a new individual, each contain a single set of chromosomes. Each of these cell divisions is studied as a series of stages including prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The teacher checkpoints during the lab can be removed for higherlevel students or to allow students more freedom to learn the process. Gametes, the cells which join together during sexual reproduction in animals and begin. To simplify the process, use additional sheets of paper so that each page only has one image. Begin with a cell with 4 chromosomes 2 pairs of homologous chromosomes, therefore the diploid number 4. As a result, students will need to resume the lab the following day. Study 10 mitosismeiosis prelab questions flashcards from tylor j. As in mitosis, each part of meiosis has four phases which include. The checkpoints will help facilitate students modeling the meiosis process correctly. The district also requires that at least one 1 lab per grading period. Prior to both mitosis and meiosis, the chromosomes in the nucleus are replicated. I need a minimum of 22 cards for mitosis and a minimum of 40 cards for meiosis any simple drawing videos or step by step pictures.
A longer chromosome pair is used to model crossingover because it helps us see the pattern spread out 3. Simulating meiosis materials chromosome sets and meiosis student guide from the chromosome simulation lab introduction you will use chromosome models to simulate meiosis. This document of meiosis can be used as a daily quiz, a homework assignment, or test prep for your unit exam. Mitosis is the process by which the nucleus is replicated by the separation of duplicated dna. Can someone please help me on how to draw the 2 cell cycles. A flipbook i made about meiosis, a cell dividing into four daughter cells. Describe the activities of chromosomes in the cell cycle including all the stages of mitosis and meiosis. Many products that you buy can be obtained using instruction manuals.
Cell division which uses yarn to simulate the process of mitosis. Snurfle meiosis worksheet key intrepidpath and geics 2 here for section 6 study. I have to draw a flip book for mitosis and another flip book for meiosis for my ap bio class and its due wednesday. Get simulating meiosis lab 29 answers pdf file for free from our online library pdf file. Collection of meiosis worksheet answers key bloggakuten. You will also identify points in the process that can lead to greater genetic variation. Students will view a simulation of meiosis as presented on kroghos biology. Ngss biology activity meiosis lab high school science middle school life. Meiosis is made up of two cell divisionsmeiosis i and meiosis il. Mitosis mitosis in onions and whitefish cell replication time 3b. For the love of physics walter lewin may 16, 2011 duration. Mules are usually sterile incapable of producing viable gametes.
There are few stages for each of the phases of meiosis 29 20 points. You must use the same numbers of beads on each side so they match 2. Students will discuss the answers to the questions presented in the lab. In this stage the chromatids line up in the center of the cell, and the spindle fibres attach to the chromatids. Interphase at this point in the cell, various functions are carried out in the cell. Students till glue the last two images of meiosis onto the last page of the flip book. Meiosis flip book assignment in this activity we will. Mitosis and meiosis flip book pages 1 22 text version. Mitosis and meiosis lab lab 3 mitosis and meiosisfrom.
In this lab, you will learn how diploid 2n cells in the gonads male testes and female ovaries undergoe meiosis for the production of haploid n gametes. Metaphase i because one chromosome will be unpaired resulting in some gametes being short one chromosome, while others will have one extra chromosome. In addition, time is needed for students to discuss their results from parts 2 and 5. Prophase i, metaphase i, anaphase i, and telophase i. Meiosis and introduction to inheritance instructions. Andersen uses chromosome beads to simulate both mitosis and meiosis. I need help i have to show the g1, s, and g2 phase in interphase for mitosis too. Remember that urls must be typed in exactly as they appear. Students will create a flipbook that shows the process of meiosis step by step. Auryn ink is a revolutionary application that creates the authentic simulation. Timing and length of lab this investigation requires a minimum of four lab periods of about 45 minutes each, plus time for a discussion on cell cycle control part 3.
The correct answer triggers either positive verbal feedback or a positive. Ap biology laboratory 3 mitosis and meiosis activity a. Chapter 10 mendel and meiosis worksheet answers avtoenforet19s soup answers. For this exercise, the initial cells diploid number is 4 there is prophase 1 with 4 replicated chromosomes. When a male and a female gamete unite, forming a zygote, the two single sets of chromosomes come together, forming pairs of chromosomes. Phases of meiosis worksheets answers worksheets samples. Be sure to model all the steps in meiosis one of the exercises models crossing over important, answer the study guide questions at the end of the lab. How many different versions of homologous chromosomes may exist in the gametes produced after crossover occurs. Human biology lab online lab 12 meiosis gametogenesis. How to draw detailed mitosis and meiosis flip book. Students will view a simulation of meiosis as presented on kroghs biology cdrom. The parent cell produces four haploid daughter cells. Typically, nuclear division is followed by cytokinesis and the.
There are few stages for each of the phases of meiosis 2920 points. Place the correct number and type of chromosome in each cell. Understanding cells are the key to answering questions such as these. Meiosis flipbook socorro independent school district. Mitosis is the growth of a grown organism from a fertilized egg. The union of these two haploid cells, one from each parent, is fertilization. Kids love to learn about the amazing, surprising, and sometimes downright icky things that happen in their bodies, and this lifesize model has the handson component to make their learning engaging, meaningful, and memorable. Mitosis and meiosis from pages 29 44 of the student manual 3a. Meiosis online simulations in this investigation, you will. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
A brief discussion of gamete formation is also included. Meiosis is the process in which haploid cells form from diploid cells. At what phase of meiosis are the sister chromatids separated. Students can work in pairs or small groups for parts 1 and 4. It is a process that only occurs during the formation of sex cells. Meiosis simulation sordaria, crossing over analysis 3a. A genetic rearrangement often occurs during meiosis that increases genetic variation in offspring. The odd gluing pattern is to conserve paper in an effort to fit 10 images onto eight sheets of paper.
In this stage the nuclear membrane forms again around the chromatid, the two daughter cells forming are haploid. You will be immersed in an animation of a human cell and use light and fluorescence microscopy to study cell division. Use pages 276277 of the text to complete your meiosis flipbook. Using your notes and any diagrams that you have available on the process of meiosis you. Meiosis flip book student activity sheet introduction during this activity, you will utilize your knowledge of meiosis to design and create a flip book outlining the stages of meiosis. Although the processes of meiosis and mitosis share similarities, their. Identify the phase of the cell cycle which is the longest. In this stage the chromatids connect and cross over, this is when the chromatids trade sections. Meiosis worksheet answers key syndeomedia 24 printable images of mitosis flip book answers. Ninth grade lesson flipping for meiosis betterlesson. Differences between sexual and asexual reproduction the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction chromosome number, haploid, diploid homo. You might wish to conduct this laboratory as two separate exercises.
What is this event and when it is most likely to occur during meiosis. Have table 1 from one of the group members lab report close by. Mitosismeiosis prelab questions biology 105 with redman at university of wisconsin lacrosse studyblue flashcards. Related searches for meiosis virtual lab answer key population biology lab answers virtual lab population biology answer key lab 4 worksheet population biology virtual respiratory system lab mcgraw hill biology answer key. Let students briefly read over the directions for this document and then highlight the procedure and goals. Mitosis can occur in both diploid 2n and haploid n cells. See more ideas about teaching biology, mitosis and biology classroom. Tell students that today they will be working with their lab partner using bead models to explore the process of meiosis in more detail. There can be a 2n different combinations of chromosomes in. In meiosis, diploid parent cells divide and produce the gametes or spores that give rise to new individuals.
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